This event offers the listed weight classes in section 2.1. Please be alert and aware of your pit neighbors and people passing by.Ģ. It is expected that all builders will follow basic safety practices during work on the robot at your pit station. This includes all powered weapons regardless of the power source or weight class.ġ.6.7. Weapon locking pins must be in place when weapon power is applied during a robot's power-on procedure.

Locking devices must be clearly capable to stopping, arresting or otherwise preventing harmful motion of the weapon.ġ.6.6. Locking devices must be painted in neon orange or another high-visibility color. Locking devices: Moving weapons that can cause damage or injury must have a clearly visible locking device in place at all times when not in the arena.
#Battlebots rules manual
Robots must only be activated in the arena, testing areas, or with expressed consent of the event and it's safety officials.ġ.6.3.Ěll robots must be able to be FULLY deactivated, which includes power to drive and weaponry, in under 60 seconds by a manual disconnect.ġ.6.4.Ěll robots not in an arena or official testing area must be raised or blocked up in a manner so that their wheels or legs cannot cause movement if the robot were turned on. Proper activation and deactivation of robots is critical. Radios may not be turned on at or near events for any purpose without obtaining the appropriate frequency clip or explicit permission from the event.ġ.6.2. As a builder you are obligated to disclose all operating principles and potential dangers to the inspection staff.ġ.6.Ĝardinal Safety Rules: Failure to comply with any of the following rules could result in expulsion or worse, injury and death.ġ.6.1. It is at their sole discretion that your robot is allowed to compete. It is expected that competitors stay within the rules and procedures of their own accord and do not require constant policing.ġ.5.Ğach event has safety inspections. Safe innovation is always encouraged, but surprising the event staff with your brilliant exploitation of a loophole may cause your robot to be disqualified before it ever competes.ġ.4.Ĝompliance with all event rules is mandatory. If you have a robot or weapon design that does not fit within the categories set forth in these rules or is in someway ambiguous or borderline, please contact this event. This rule set is designed to for adjustment by each event depending on its safety concerns.ġ.3. Please take care to not hurt yourself or others when building, testing and competing.ġ.2. There is no amount of regulation that can encompass all the dangers involved. These rules are based on the Robot Fighting League Standard Ruleset.ġ.1.Ěll participants build and operate robots at their own risk. Most anything goes in terms of weapons, excluding water and electrical tasers.

#Battlebots rules full
Like boxing, the robots are given three full minutes for a round, in which either one of the robots is knocked out or the match time runs out, and 3 judges decide the winner. Robots are mostly teleoperated, but autonomous control is allowed. Two robots compete in a head-to-head match following the basics of boxing. Mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, machining, pneumatics and hydrolic control, and computer science (for autonmous classes.)